Guaca' Rules

Welcome to the FC Rules page!

Here you can find all the rules and guidelines for the FC.

Respect: Treat all FC members with kindness, respect, and consideration. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

Toxicity: We do not tolerate any form of toxic behavior. This includes but is not limited to: trolling, flaming, or any form of harassment.

Helping: We encourage all members to help each other out. If you need help with something, don't hesitate to ask in the FC chat.

Chat: Keep the FC chat friendly and respectful. No spamming, advertising, or any form of inappropriate content.

Discord: We have a Discord server for the FC. We encourage all members to join and participate in the server.

Having fun And most importantly we encourage all members to enjoy their time in the FC and to be happy!